Wisdom of Solon

The wisdom of Solon - If Nietzsche had understood the Greeks he would have known that the fortunes of men may only be told after their death. One with the law of his age, he struggled only against death, and so could not see its wealth. The worker dies in his fields, wounded by time leaning against his machine - a Cleobis or Biton figure, even if tortured. Where he is not carried off in a wagon by oxen, entire cities cry out in mourning from the sirens of towers and workshops. The greatest wealth in history as inheritance or sacrifice is given by them to the future. Just as they work against toil, they work against the unending future. И шли вы, гремя кандалами. (And grudgingly you went with fetters on your feet.) Nietzsche, in eternal search of fortune, finds only recurring death - the whole of Greece laughing, as Chrysippus, within the history of his consciousness. Consequently, Nietzsche did not understand fortune. His death lower than that of the lowest worker.
