Fragments/Journal - Economic Theology and Christianity
The Catholic Church was the original corporation, and the modern period is simply the quantitative easing of all its bailouts, derivative creation, and corrupt insider trading. Materialism is little more than the spiritual monotony of an endless rosary - a soul debt repackaging God into some idol of the future. A debt so massive that it can never be repaid.
The Protestants merely attempted a cancellation of the debt. The problem is not the petrodollar or the gold standard, but usury itself - particularly of the theological and mythic type. And in this we can see the Orthodox as the Luddites of the spirit, hence the self-condemnation to a myth of unveiling and unending moralism.
If one cannot weave oneself into the age then it will be turned into a tool, or torn out to be made into new thread. Christianity was itself a transitional phase, not a religion, and certainly not a theology of the heavens. It was an urn burial and theft of everything left on earth of a divine quality, the idols it smashed an attempt to exit into some black pool of misanthropy and misotheism - living on in the muck and tar, what it imagined to be the blood of other gods.
Thus the humanist phase is a return of Christianity against time into religion, its apprehension of its very being. It no longer needs to unveil, as material warfare has automated this purpose of dead religions.
The Protestants merely attempted a cancellation of the debt. The problem is not the petrodollar or the gold standard, but usury itself - particularly of the theological and mythic type. And in this we can see the Orthodox as the Luddites of the spirit, hence the self-condemnation to a myth of unveiling and unending moralism.
If one cannot weave oneself into the age then it will be turned into a tool, or torn out to be made into new thread. Christianity was itself a transitional phase, not a religion, and certainly not a theology of the heavens. It was an urn burial and theft of everything left on earth of a divine quality, the idols it smashed an attempt to exit into some black pool of misanthropy and misotheism - living on in the muck and tar, what it imagined to be the blood of other gods.
Thus the humanist phase is a return of Christianity against time into religion, its apprehension of its very being. It no longer needs to unveil, as material warfare has automated this purpose of dead religions.
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