Titanaon: Cosmos
I have consulted with the Oracle, and this is what she shared.
Natural law is the coming into being of eternal forces, a piercing of the chasm to the very end by primordial strength. It is our attempt to grasp these laws which determines the power of our religions. Decisive in this is the opposition between mortal and immortal justice: that which follows logic, insight, and technique as its formation between the bestial and the natural, and that which defies all perceptible and mortal experience. Eternal laws exist beyond the elements of nature, and the elements themselves may deface the sacred springs before which we kneel in beauty.
Even the gods themselves rule over opposing dominions, exerting pressures within the very force of darkness beyond our world—as Nyx and Moros bridge the chasm between the Ethereal and Chaos; as Iapetus and Themis overstretch their dominion beyond all possible worlds; as the Gorgons and Typhon rise from Gaia; as Zeus remains locked in eternal battle with the Great Ancestors, Fate, and the coming Son; as Dionysus is exiled beyond Tartarus, a divine beggar of madness, drinking the nectar of earth's defeat and fall into a void form of aether and ichor.
Here the black pool of the world and its natural law reformed as technical capacities; the harvest of space. There the political form and its law in opposition to fatal will; the drought of time. The Earth is the Ethereal Wound, and all enduring strength returns to Chaos, the World Ocean, the Earth March, and the Abyss; against the forces which hold them together and tear them apart the gods only ever reveal a necessity, to which peace and ruin are forever weaving between worlds. Insight captures shadows of their appearances, and our opposition to nature is formed of an attempt to turn these shadows into something greater than what they already are. We only ever receive of the woven image, and the curse of hubris is to forever spin the frontiers of dominion into a void.
Religions rise and fall within this chasm of human insight; apprehension and revelation, transcendence and nihilism. And it is here that we may catch a glimpse of our eternal task: to create sanctums of the ethereal image while sacrificing ourselves to it. The force of dominion is all that divides the anthropal and the bestial—and when this final law has been broken Actaeon appears to us as a god. Then, in our lifelessness, we endure as inhabitants of the Mountain of Helicon.
And now, with vigorous feet, allow us to watch as Chaos reemerges from the Abyss.
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